Azi's Bar Mitzvah

Please "join" us in celebrating!

Yes, it's still Covid. Yes, that sucks. Sorry :(

We love all of you and wish we could have you with us in person, but that is just not happening this year.

...unless you happen to live in Kemp Mill
then please consider joining us for services Saturday morning, December 4th for the Hashkama Minyan (7:00am) at the Kemp Mill Synagogue.

What is a Bar Mitzvah?

Entry into the next chapter of a Jewish boy's life.

Up until now, everything Azi did was on his parents shoulders (in regards to his soul and commandments - good or bad). The turning point where Azi is now responsible is when he turns 13 - his Bar Mitzvah.

Mitzvah mean commandment - things we are asked to do or not do, say or not say, be or not be... you get the point. As the people of the book, our days are focused around commandments wether they be prayer, gratitude, honor, or taking care of ourselves.

Our prayer for Azi is that as he grows up he continues his personal growth every day to become a good and moral person, have a personal connection with G-d, and be motivated by worthy causes.

Azi will be reading from Parashat Miketz - the story of Joseph at the point he meets Pharaoh and beyond.

This Shabbat is also Chanuka - Azi was born on the 6th night. We will be lighting candles at home before Shabbat and afterwords.

Neis Gadol Haya Sham! (a big miracle happened there)

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